Okay, by show of hands, how many of you at one point in infancy actually believed that Storks deliver babies… from Heaven at least? Did you raise your hand? You do know I can’t see you, right? LoL. As impressive a combo as the overconfident Junior & neurotic Orphan Tulip were, that impossibly annoying brown-noser, desperate to fit in Pigeon Today was the not so obvious star of the movie if you ask me. Though I am not sure I would take pleasure in a movie with just him in it, unless it included the alpha and beta wolves! Up ‘til I watched this movie, I always overlooked the obvious; always wondered why birds always slammed into windshields & glass doors! Birds can’t see glass. You may laugh at me, but I am sure the lot of you did not know this either! I enjoyed the bits of realism that characters like Nate, (the little boy who started it all for want of a baby brother with ninja skills), brought to the table. Most parents really are too busy or too tired to spend time let alone play with their kids. “You blink and I will be in college.” –Nate “Remember when I was a baby 2 minutes ago?”-Nate “You’ll be my idol for like two more years.”-Nate And the bit where Junior and Tulip had to babysit the pink haired bambino all night was all too real. Though a little late, the enjoyability of the Angry Birds movie caught me off guard. I was never a fan of the video game. Finding Dory was relatively endearing, with its Gotta-Have-A-Kleenex-Handy beginning, middle and end. Dory is described as “forgetful & fearless;” I do wonder if her forgetfulness is what made her so fearless in the first place. The movies I watched towards the end of 2016 are not without their off putting flaws of course but this is not meant to be a review =). But enough about all that, here’s what going on in the real world ;-) I currently have a good number of newborns as well as teenagers in my life; it makes me wonder what kind of parents my husband and I are going to be, or what our kids will be like! Whether they will look like my father, or his mother, have little hands that look like mine? I have no doubt in my mind that my husband will make a great dad. He’s already built up an army of awful Dad jokes. He is goofy, but knows when to be conclusively assertive, he’s a teacher, he cooks, and he eats his vegetables LoL. Storks don’t deliver babies; ladies, don’t you wish they did? In a space of nine months, your body changes, your mind changes, your values change, relationships change and you won’t always feel so pretty or so awesome. The limits of your endurance will be tested. You will be taken to emotional heights-and other times find yourself sunk in the depths. There will be times when you will be irritable, forgetful, cry when you are happy, cry when you are sad, or cry for no apparent reason! Gaining weight may feel like a huge loss. It will take you through the five stages of grief. Denial (No, no, the scale is broken), anger (at anyone who comments about it, or at yourself for letting yourself go, & at your husband hehe), bargaining (I need to eat less & exercise more), depression (I give up, there is nothing I can do about this, at least right now), and finally, acceptance (This is me (for) now). Remember, pregnancy is just a season, this too shall pass =) so keep your eyes on the prize. And it won’t all be sobs; there will be nxaaws & LoL’s too! You get to go shopping, get pampered & jump annoying queues at the bank! Til next time, be decidedly enthusiastic about life, reach out eagerly for what you want, ignore the fear, and spread a bit of sunshine everywhere you go. Someone said, “It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters.” We were all put on this earth to achieve our greatest selves, to live out our purpose, and do it courageously.
