To detox from the threatening smell of super superglue and turpentine that I have lately exposed myself to, I thought I’d blog. If I can sit still long enough to let my thoughts collect that is (^^,). Chanting “inner peace….inner peace” I found was a pure waste of time haha. So, call a time out on the negativity committee that has a round table (unfruitful, I might add) discussion every day in your head, Crumblelina and laugh at life with me a little.
Life is an all you can eat buffet. All is permissible, but not all is palatable. Some food does not taste the way it looks, and some of it will make you sick. And just because it’s laid out on the table doesn’t mean you have to eat it. Laugh at life. Though life is not a joke; you’ll cry if you don’t laugh.
Speaking of food, guess what! I started baking! And not just for special occasions. Imagine my utter disbelief when ladies came to me for recipes! I can see it now….”Nikki 2.0-Domesticated” hahaha! My first Birthday Cake was one tasty disaster but I make a killer chocolate cake (**,).
So I did the careless thing of letting my drivers’ license expire over a year (hides face). The DMV was just to fine me; additionally, in order to get it renewed I had to take a test, for which I was totally unprepared! I’d see folks walk out of there lookin’ uuuuuupset! Some talking about how it was their second, third or sixth attempt at the infamous exam! I tell you, the first thing I did when I got to my desk was pray for divine intervention! Other times I had to eenie meenie miney mo my way through it (^^,). Thanks to the C.E.O of the Universe for having my back, I was done in half the time and got a little over 70% of the answers right. I couldn’t stop smiling like a girl whose secret crush just told her she looks fly!
Some random thoughts for you; choosing the lesser of two evils means you still choose evil and only after mastering the art of following can you learn to lead. One often meets their destiny on the path they take to avoid it, said Master Oogway.
You would think someone as chirpy as I am finds it easy to make new friends, but you’d be wrong (hangs head). Most of my new friends range from ages 7, 4 & 2 (^^,)! My new home is a lovely place to find inspiration and get creative so as one way to keep the love chub in check with all these kitchen experiments (pats belly); I have embarked on a number of DIY Garden art & up-cycle projects (hello, chitty chitty man hands!)
They say once you sign that “contract of exclusivity”, you get a little….comfortable (^^,). You reach a place of self acceptance because someone who matters has accepted you. And you don’t even know you’re there because there’s a thin line between self acceptance and self neglect! You discover one day that your sweatpants no longer school-board-approved-air-hug you in all the significant places and your DP’s begin to attract some unsavory comments. Love pounds, aka Happy Pounds are sneaky like that hehe.
I’m going to pig out on some garden salad on the couch (Well, I did say gardening was ONE way ;-)) and watch Kungfu Panda 3 for the second time.
When he finally found out the truth about his biological parents, Po was able to let go; retaining only an appreciation for the life he had led, and achieved inner peace by not letting tragedy define who he was. I enjoy watching how this big and fluffy lovable yet annoying panda aka Dragon Warrior with inner struggles tends to be less serious and disciplined than other masters yet tends to break rules & tradition to find different ways to solve a problem giving him unintentional advantage over his opponents in a more comical than threatening way. Po’s easy-going, playful, excitable big kid persona appeals to me in a way I’m no longer trying to understand haha. Perhaps it does explain why I got married to a simple & reliable good natured someone who is not below acting clownish to lighten an otherwise dull mood hahaha. I leave you with the unsolicited advice I gave to my niece on her sweet sixteen recently; keep smiling, keep forgiving, keep praying & keep believing. Skadoosh (^^,)

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