When you have a superhero complex like me sometimes God will say to you, “Hey, leave that alone, you’re not the Savior of the world, I AM!” Humbling times (^^,). August was a pleasantly surprising month, physically taxing too. A whole lot of interesting things happened. And oh, I stood in line for an amusing (not) three hours to get myself registered to vote next year. Needless to say (very very needless LoL) by the time I got it done I was a few inches shorter and oddly proud of myself, after someone reminded me that it was my responsibility as a citizen as well as a Christian to vote, and my mobile phone service provider admonished “Not voting is the same as voting for someone you do not want to win..” or something like that LoL.
Anyhoo, it’s amazing how many people think I can’t dance….ermm, allow me to rephrase that. It’s amazing how many people think I don’t dance LoL. I was in octopus mode the other day; (that’s multitasking for those that are in dense mode like my pet goldfish who’s probably reading this and wondering when I’m going to take ‘em back to the pet store hehe. Okay enough malarkey, now on to the helpfuls (yah it’s a word, look it up LoL). And yes, my goldfish can read =P) when my mom said something rather profound the other day. She said, “Misery is easier to bear for those who don’t have happier times to remember.” Whoa. Deep.
One of my biggest regrets at the moment is not taking music lessons from my dad or recording with him before he passed. Ah, regrets are like armpits. Everyone has ‘em….aaaand they hoobastink up the place LoL. “Someone I know, (aka brain-vomit guy, bless his insightful soul LoL)” who probably thinks they know me hehe said something remarkable about me the other day. I was bemoaning the fact that I am not a risk-taker to which he emphatically noted the difference between “risk takers’ and “unnecessary risk takers.” The latter being yours truly =).
And again I’m reminded of what he said earlier on; that being a late bloomer is the by-product of a cautious non impulsive nature that reflects on everything; taking great care before taking a step. Made too important, our feelings can betray us. But real progress is measured by action however tiny a movement. Glad to say I have done one or two small things on impulse of late although I can’t even remember what they are LoL. “This situation is less than ideal, chill, for a minute lemme tell you how I feel. My wings were clipped but they’ll grow back some day, and when they do I will fly away. I may be a lil’ late but uh please don’t hate, congratulate, cos when this flower blooms it will be a bouquet!” Said by someone the internet will never be able to trace hahahaha. Ok, random.
Lately I’ve been Mary J. Obliged to do a lotta stuff I would normally run in the opposite direction of. Part of “growing up". Speaking of growing up hehe, the other day I was sitting behind this guy whose pants were sagging so low I could see his underwear all hangin’ out. It was pink with puppies on it. Hmmmm… The back of his t-shirt said, “Don’t Trust Girls.” He was seemingly trying real hard to get noticed. In my view, and view being the key word here, he shouldn’t have to try so hard to get noticed; lookin’ like he fell into a bucket of bad kindergarten hip hop.
Good Golly, Molly, have I grown up (ok, not so much but I’m getting there hehe). I haven’t the faintest idea why o why I used to be attracted to guys that dress that way. Now I just find it….a tad disturbing. We really shouldn’t judge people based on how they look yada yada (people still do by the way, even the ones who say nay hehe), and this coming from someone who exhorted in rhyme, “Don’t judge folk based on what they wear or how they do their hair. My hair may be wild but I’m still God’s child.” Sure, I’ve had my just rolled out of bed or just came out of a goat’s mouth days (thank you frequent power failures); but if we make ourselves inapproachable, no one wants to get close enough to get to know the jewel that may be underneath; way, way underneath (^^,).
So I’m silently chanting please don’t talk to me please don’t talk to me and soon as he turns around, I put my headphones on and press play hehe. Like it or not, people will judge you based on how you (mis-re)present yourself. Guys, if you’re aiming high, don’t sink so low. “Street” doesn’t mean you have to come off as being homeless, “gangsta” doesn’t mean you give the impression you’re on parole =). Gonna go sing obnoxiously into a hairbrush now. Later! (^^,)

Smh. That should have read "I am not an unnecessary risk taker" (~~,)