I lost my keeeeys/ in the great unknooown & call me pleeeease/ ‘cos I can’t find my phooone/ haha this is the stuff that drives me crazy/ this is the stuff that’s getting to me lately/ in the middle of my little mess/ I forget how big I’m blessed/this is the stuff/ that gets under my skin but I gotta trust/ You know exactly what You’re doin’ it might not be what I would choose/ but this is the stuff You use/ to break me of impatience conquer my frustrations/ I've got a new appreciation (pause for punch line); its not the end of the woooorld!!! #singing (^^,).
Head bobbing toe tapping idiosyncratic little song that. I was havin’ one of thooose days when you’re just not a team player, have lost 3D vision, feelin’ heavy like gravity LoL & eeevery little thing gets to you when I came across this song right in the middle of a GrrrrrrNobodyGetsIt&Iwannapullmyhairout moment. I had to LoL. I had Toby Mac’s Me Without You on repeat til I couldn't stand it no more. It’s refreshing to discover some songs you didn't know you had in your collection when you no longer enjoy the tedious drone of shallow earth songs. Grew on me like a bad rash #myDjSwaggIsOn (^^,)
The great thing about self imposed deadlines is that when you fail to meet them, and yeah, sometimes you will, you are at liberty to set new ones. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You can’t please everyone. And everyone knows that. Yet everyone wants you to please them hahaha people..
I was the first one to retire last night yet the last one to fall asleep. I fell asleep listening to a choir of mosquitoes & a tiger in my stomach. That big cat’s been growling so loud I think I woke the neighbors. Even silence has a sound. Silence is awkward….but then again…so are the rumblings of an empty stomach LoL. Wow, my train of thought goes way off the rails sometimes hehehe.
Ok, serious face# According to a book titled “Managing for Results” any decision or action starts to get old the moment it has been made. Just like we start getting old the moment we are born! As per usual I intend to impart some of my spanking new knowledge with yous. I still don’t know that much about hardware except the fact that it’s probably bad for your skin hahahaha #Blonde (**,)
I have learned: That blood may be thicker than water, but…water can actually dilute blood #strikingthethinkerpose haha. Much as cleaning your own mess is not easy, it’s even harder to clean up someone else’s mess, eish.
Aaaaah nothin’ quite like quiet streets to make your cold wintry morning. I hate crossing busy streets, especially in spikes or stilettos. I’m a comfort over style gal myself. I loooove flat shoes. I am more confident with my feet firmly on the ground than in six inch anything. I do admire my fellow sole mates of the delicate society who torture themselves on a daily, risking permanent injury & deformity in the name of high end fashion. But as research & my own lovely experience shows hehe, telling a fashionista to cut back on high heels & stilettos is like telling a smoker “Smoking is hazardous to your health” #zeroeffect. If the Barbie doll were a real person, she’d have bunions & a hunchback! Don’t get me wrong, I love the way they make a dull outfit look haute, how they give you the belle of the ball delusion & admittedly I do enjoy the elegance they sometimes offer (except when they give onlookers the impression that you're having a stroke! ) but…having suffered the afflictions of gorgeous fairer sex foot-ware myself, I've decided I won’t suffer for a good pose, I’ll stick only to the special occasion agony thank you….or not haha. Happy teetering, ladies! (^^,).
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