The name’s Buck. Short for Buckminster, long for Buh. LoL I love Ice Age. Hi, my name is Nicole Masauli & I am an avid SMSer #hangshead. Seriously, help! LoL. My message log looks like this Sent: 47330 Received: 35606 LoL. Contrary to popular belief, I hate talking on the phone (^^,). I am simply complicated. I was gonna go on and on about SMS etiquette, which like seeeriously irks me; the whole shortening of words ‘til they are incomprehensible, one word answers eish, the fact that people cant spell anymore :-P, that even informal conversations are had that way, and putting exclamation points where they shouldn’t be aaargh!!!! It’s difficult to detect mood & tone off of SMSes, I love emoticons; they’re great for that purpose though inappropriate in formal contexts.
Some of my fave Ice Age moments: “When you drink water through your trunk, does it taste like boogers?” “If I don’t make it, find me a wife & tell her I love her” “Can I ask you guys something, how are you both so happy? Doesn’t it weigh on you that the world might be ending?” “Can I tell him our secret? Come here, come here….we’re very very…. stupid.” LOL “Sid, I know what you’re going through, you’re gonna have a family too one day, you’re gonna meet a nice girl with low standards, no real options or… sense of smell..” “Granted, they do have some discipline issues…..” “Eating kids is not a discipline issue…” “Okay, good luck with the slow descent into madness, we’re gonna go now..” “I call him….Rudy…” “Oh good, I was worried it was something intimidating like Sheldon or… Tim.” “What’s that?” “It’s the wind, its talking to us.” “ Oh what’s it saying?” “I don’t know, I don’t speak wind.” “This is it mammals, right where you started. This was fun, we could make it a regular thing” “……I don’t know about that….” “Right right, because of all the mortal peril of course…hehe” LoL. Pure Nonsensical Ingenuity. (^^,). And oh yeah, “He’s gone….what am I supposed to do now…” “That’s easy, come with us...” “You mean…up there? I never thought of going back, I’m not sure I can fit in up there anymore, been down here so long it feels like up to me..” Wow, DEEP =)!
Speaking of deep, I like the Reflections song in Mulan. And I (learning not to put “like” everywhere hehe) totally relished that father daughter moment. “My my my what beautiful blossoms we have this year. But look, this one’s late, I bet when it blooms it will be the most beautiful of all…” Speaking of which, I am ashamed to say I did not know what blood type I was until now ::grin:: and something about finding out I was the same blood type as my father warmed me right up (“,).
No, life is not a movie. That’s just what they want you to think (in a Secret-Agent Covert-Mission voice hehe). If it were a movie, we would rewind, fast forward or pause (all the Peter Pans say yeeeah! LoL) Whoa, when truth hits you between the eyes, it really blows your mind (^^,). Excess can metamorphose into negative abundance the same way that knowing TOO MUCH can leave you bordering on insanity =O
Personally I think nursing our psychic ills by means of retail therapy isn’t really therapy at all; especially if it leaves you in debt. Debt is a kind of slavery.
I have learnt that “relief” is actually a feeling, and in order to “feel,” one actually needs to be………….alive….. And that a butterfly that is forced out of its cocoon before its time dies; and again, one that is trapped in it past its time dies too.
Aaaanyway…….(^^,) I decided to do a little research-and of course by research I mean Google LoL- into what people think proper SMS etiquette is and after visiting a few forums, I was shocked to discover that I am not only a frequent affrontee but I’m a serial offender! LoL #guilty, especially of “no random texts in the middle of the night.” Of course I only do this with the few of my closest and dearest prey LoL but yah..To conclude, here are some interesting “rules” I scrounged up. I especially like the last one: “Remember that your phone does have an off button. There are very, very few things in the world that absolutely cannot wait” (^^,)
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