Life is about timing…the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable becomes available, the unattainable…attainable. Have the patience, wait it out. It’s all about timing.” Stacey Charter. Where does the time go?? Seems like only yesterday since my first blog post. I can hardly believe it’s officially been a year. Harvey Mackay (whoever that is LoL) said, “Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. And once you have lost it, you can never get it back.” I found myself thinking a lot about time recently. It all started a couple of weeks ago when I had to sing back up for a good friend who was getting married. I liked the song because of its depth and simplicity and how well it communicated her story. The lines “I think about the years I spent just passing through. I’d like take the time I lost and give it back to you” made me realize more than ever that there’s no such thing as “making up for lost time” and how precious and fleeting time really is. And I figured; those that waste your time don’t value it, and therefore are not worthy of it. There are late blooming flowers just as there are late blooming people. I found it rather interesting when I heard my dad say that it is only now, in his sixties that he knows what it really means when people say “Life is too short.” Funny, I have sort of known that my whole life (^^,). Do you know why there are so many movies about going back in time? Because there are many that wish they could. I have also come to a full realization as to why some adults have childlike tendencies such as collecting dolls and dressing age inappropriate. They just don’t seem to grow up, in fact, they are terrified of it. If you observe such people’s backgrounds closely, you will learn that most of them have gaps in their childhood that they are subconsciously trying to fill. I have seen a lot of such people on TV shows. Most of them missed out on “normal’ childhood. And this is why it is important to let a child be a child. Anyhoo, enough about time. I wonder if I would still enjoy blogging if someone offered to pay me for it. There’s something that takes the fun out of a hobby when money becomes the carrot. Everyone needs an art through which they can express themselves unreservedly without expecting some kind of reward or public acclaim. Sometimes when we do the things we love for money, we don’t do a very good job, and when we do it for approval, which is not always forthcoming, we get disappointed. I don’t sing because I believe I’m good at it. I sing because I enjoy it. That said, I also feel that rules, formats and deadlines tend to stifle creativity. Creativity rushed is creativity crushed (^^,)
