Welcome to November! A day or two early but still better than a day or two late! My favoritest time of the year approacheth! (**,) Aaah I can just smell the aroma, the holly, the people that are ridiculously nice to you once a year LoL. On that note I must break into song!
“Ohwwww…….jingle bells jingle bells, jingle all the way! It’s no fun scorchin’ in the sun in a gasless Toyota Camry hey! ♫
Dashing through the sands, hope I don’t get burnt, bring your H2O is the lesson I have learnt!
Jingle Bells, I sing well (“, it’s as hot as (beeeeep! He he)…. Skunk or squirrel? I can’t tell coz I lost my sense of smell!! ♪
I make it sound like I live in a desert he he, and no, I don’t own a Toyota Camry, it just rhymes a whole lot better than a VX or X5. And yah, a little less far fetched LoL! Is an X5 even a car? Just checking =)
I’ve kinda lost my appetite for car ownership at the moment. Unless I can find one that runs on water! Really, we oughta bring back the days of horses and chariots!
Oooh ooh, speaking of loss, I lost my voice for a whole week plus. It was an interesting experience.
And so I’m a little darker from spending so much time in the sun with my new hobby….or obsession, whatever suits LoL. Gardening and landscaping. Another lesson learned, tilling the ground while balancing an umbrella and a bottle of water…..only in the movies….or the circus!
Which reminds me, the Ultimate Machine we all know as the Human Body has a way of communicating its needs, “Feed me or I drop you, rest me or I quit, or send you home! Treat me good and I’ll treat you good. Treat me bad and ……” you get the picture =P!
Oooh, I’ve discovered I’m allergic to my allergy meds! Isn’t it ironic, Alanis? I also discovered an interesting way to ease muscle aches, and you know what, it was just crazy enough to work! I added painkillers to my bathwater.
I have also learnt that sometimes silence is the only way you can be heard….
By the way, is it true that men are lousy at multitasking? If it is then I’ve just had an a-ha moment about something. I can watch TV while I cook and iron a shirt in the middle of texting someone. I can do all of that and still have time to think! So yeah, sure, keeping busy helps keep your mind off things but unfortunately for us, it’s to a point. But hand over the remote control and or the joystick to your men, and its bada bing bada boom, forget about it! Sorry ladies, it’s just how we were maid. Get it? How we were “maid”? he he he ok, I’ll go now (^^,)
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