Aloooooha! =) Aloha, hmmm I like that salutation. I don’t know how many languages have the same word for hello and goodbye. One of the things that I have learned about words is if you are not sure of what a word means, LOOK IT UP. But if you are unable to look it up and the situation demands that you deliver pronto, DON’T USE IT! Truuuust me! =D I haven’t blogged that much lately, simply because, well, I really didn’t have that much to say (stranger things have happened LoL!)

That’s another moral worth stackin’ up. If you don’t have anything to say, don’t say anything! I have been in situations where I didn’t have anything to say, but because I felt obliged to speak for some reason, when I opened my mouth, only nonsense came out & well, I didn’t understand it either he he he!

I’ve been thinking a lot about love lately, more specifically, about the ups and downs of being in it. One of my favorite quotes from Just Married is “Some days your mother and I loved each other, and other days we had to work at it. You never see the hard days in a photo album, but those are the ones that get you from one happy snapshot to the next.”

I think it’s great to keep photo albums. It’s also great to keep a treasure chest. No, Captain Hook, I don’t mean a chest full of gold treasure. I mean the sentimental incidentals; Birthday Cards, small gifts, an earring that someone you love bought for you even if its missing another, a bracelet, etc. “Keep your old love letters; throw away your bank statements” Sunscreen Guy =)

I have a treasure chest where I keep these little big things. When life gets lonely I go through it and realise just how much I have been blessed with love (friends, family etc). A point of clarity though, what I don’t keep and discourage you from keeping as well are snapshots and things from your ex especially if you are married or in a new relationship. It’s detrimental.

The world has gone so digital that hardly anyone keeps photo albums anymore. You will agree though that it’s loftier to bust out a photo album than have everyone huddle up in front of your laptop when family and friends get together! Call me old fashioned but I don’t think I’ll ever stop being thus sentimental, nor do I think I will ever stop penning love notes, poetry or love letters. And OMG when was the last time you sent out a post card or got one in the mail! =)

Perhaps when they manufacture a computer that will never ever ever break, or get infected with viruses or hackers and all those computer diseases =) maaaaaybe we can explore the possibility of doing without pen and paper, forget how to write etc but nothing quite beats the sentimental tangible feeling!

And hey, photo books make great coffee table books! Aaaah simple me =)
