Dictionary, check; white noise, check; hot beverage, yes please (^^,)!

Convenience is a wondrous thing. People will turn a living room upside down to look for a misplaced remote control simply because they don’t want to walk across the room to change the channel. We will do anything for convenience, even if it's ridiculous or ironic. Sometimes I think technology has made us lazy. Pay your bills online, work online, go to school online, buy cars online, find love online, pretty soon we will no longer need to get out of the house! Why go jogging when you own a treadmill? Although I’m a drowning rat (LoL), I think a walk on the beach with its breathtaking scenery and fresh air beats the pleasure of an indoor swimming pool hands down. Just sayin.

The only way to win some wars is to lose them, said House. Hmmmmm………..that does make some sense. When you fight fire with fire all you get is a bigger fire. But if you don’t fight fire, it spreads; just a thought.

I admire people who are not only good at what they do, but actually enjoy it. They find it fulfilling and it makes them happy. For some people, what they do is who they are. Cake Boss Buddy Valastro is one such. The man is a genius. His creations are fantastic you don’t know whether to eat them or liquify them with the heat of your vision LoL. Can hardly believe some of it is cake... and that all the decorations are edible! Euww almost slobbered onto the keyboard. Just playin.

Sometimes we don’t know what our lives mean to other people. What inspiration they draw from us day to day just by simply being ourselves and trying to get through this life. In an episode where a renowned doctor/scientist was on the brink of breakthrough for an incurable disease, she had a near death experience that put everything in perspective (these things tend to do that to ya =D!), felt stuck in a rut and well…just quit. House’s best friend Wilson said something to her that I thought was profound. “How is someone like me supposed to keep fighting when someone like you just walks away?” Hmmmmm again =).

We all draw inspiration from different things, people and places and in different ways and incidences. It would surprise you where I am currently drawing inspiration from. She’s a highly resourceful person who is gifted with the virtue of making the most of the little that she has. She has brilliant ideas oozing out of every pore on ways to better her life, the lives of her husband and children. In her own humble way, she lives quite a full life. Works hard all day, makes time for her friends and family and is involved at the local church.

There’s not much to smile about in the world today, and it is always refreshing to find someone that offers quality service with a smile. All those who have had a brush with a rainbow of customer care personnel everywhere can testify to this truth: The standards of customer support have taken a downward spiral. She truly is a gem. She nephew’s nanny!

It’s no small matter to undertake the daunting task of raising someone else’s offspring. But nobility is not what inspires me most about her. And she is not as ignorant as she may to some seem. Waddling (yah, she actually waddles!) in for work as early as 6am each morning totally upbeat, cold or whatever, it doesn’t matter. She wears a sunny disposition. Singing to herself as she works; in between I overhear her sharing her knowledge on matters of national interest, giving counsel to colleagues young and old on different issues.

I was talking about convenience earlier on. How many of us have stayed in routine thankless jobs for years because of it? I think Office Space was one of the most draining movies I have ever watched. It was defined as a comedic tale of company workers who hate their jobs and decide to rebel against their greedy boss. I actually didn’t find it funny at all. Anyway, we are all guilty of enjoying the pleasure and or comfort of convenience in one way or another. Life is too short to do anything you don’t even enjoy doing, an old friend said to me. Whether we are where we are because we are really comfortable there, or that we are secretly cowards at heart shuddering at the thought of venturing into the dreaded unknown, either way I’m embracing my ignorance. (“,) blissssssss………

I hate how routine makes our lives seem like a bad sitcom. Which reminds me, been having a lot of dejavu sensations lately its crazy! Gives me this weird feelin like I'm stuck in some twilight zone livin the same day over and over eeeek! The horror..:-O !
